
Hello, on this page you will find albums that I am looking for.



Ken Togo - *Anything*
Haruo Chikada - Heavy
Tsugutoshi Goto - Inner Suggestions
Morley "Stoic Edi" Robertson - Stoic
Hetakuso - Serpent Of The Clumsy Chowder
Tokiko Kato - Last Dance Party
Toshiyuki Takahashi - *Anything*
Shinkou Houkou - *Anything*
Sonhouse - Uchoten
The Roosterz - Neon Boy
Monsieur Kamayatsu - Monsieur / Kamayatsu Hiroshi No Sekai
Shichifukujin - Can't remember what the album's called
Risako Miura - *Anything*
EN'S - *Anything*
Kita Koji & Scar Face - Flower
Matasita89 - *Anything*
Saeko Kenzo & Syzygys --uploaded to the same channel was a fairly long set of these two artists performing together; gone
And on that note: Jun Togawa bootlegs --I already have two; one from 1983 and the other, if I remember correctly, is from 1986.
Kidorikko - Their cassette tapes