Nya Nyan Ga Puu is by far the most talented contemporary synthpop musician I have ever had the pleasure of hearing (and yes, I am being impartial). She is certainly the embodiment of all that I adore about the cute-vein of Japanese synthpop. Sadly, her debut album only contains 4 songs; fortunately, many live performances of other wonderful songs are available on Youtube --which is how I first discovered her in February 2015. Makoru Nakajo, the owner of Dangbooru Records, scribbled on the receipt of my last purchase that Nya Nyan's next album will be released in 2016. Personally, I'm not sure if I can wait that long --such is life. |
I am not sure if Haruko Tajima appreciated my writing about her on Nya Nyan's dedicated page --in which I claimed that it is likely Haruko prefers Neue Deutsch Welle to Japanese pop music --I think there may have been a slight error in translation. In part of her reply, I believe she claimed that any NDW similarities are purely coincidental. That statement of hers confirms there was a misunderstanding.
I fully realise that Haruko is a fan of Japanese pop music, but, outside of the occasional Saint Four, Fumie Hosokawa and Kirara & Urara samples, her music --most of it, at least-- is not a reflection of the music in the country she lives in. I do think that Haruko's music would appeal more to those that enjoy Der Plan, etc. than the aforementioned singers or Jun Togawa or her beloved Susumu Hirasawa, for example --while also not being directly influenced by NDW. One might argue that Haruko's music could appeal to fans of some Japanese new wave groups like Picky Picnic, and that is true, but bands like Picky Picnic were heavily influenced by NDW in the first place --Kaoru Todoroki and Yuji Asaka even appeared on several German compilations and Pyrolator albums. This is not a bad thing; it is a good thing. Haruko sits comfortably in her own special class; in that regard, her music is unique --neither identifiably Japanese, nor identifiably German. Hopefully, if she is to ever read this article, the misunderstanding will be cleared. I do enjoy her work very much, and did not mean to disregard her as an NDW-wannabe at all --it was an attempt to quickly gloss over her music before discussing Nya Nyan again.
Anyway, Hitler declared that the Japanese are honorary Aryans, so perhaps it should be expected for the two nationalities to also think alike --intentionally or not.
Nya Nyan Ga Puu is by far the most talented contemporary synthpop musician I have ever had the pleasure of hearing (and yes, I am being impartial). |
Shampoo Hats |
Nya Nyan Ga Puu is by far the most talented contemporary synthpop musician I have ever had the pleasure of hearing (and yes, I am being impartial). |